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At 21%, Ghana has one of the high­est rates of child mar­riage. In the re­gion ad­dress­ed by the pro­ject, every fourth girl under 18 is married. Re­lat­ed to this are sex­ual groom­ing, child preg­nan­cies and the early ter­mi­na­tion of school­ing. Less than a third of the po­pu­la­tion is liter­ate, with women ac­count­ing for only 37% of this num­ber.


People in the northern region have few op­por­tuni­tes to find out about issues of re­gion­al re­le­va­nce. There­fore Kinder­rechte Afrika e.V., in cooperation with its partner PAORP-VWC, will set up a radio station in Gushegu and broad­cast a daily 16-hour pro­gramme in local lan­gua­ges from 2022 on­wards. Using a mo­bile trans­mitter system, ”out­reach” re­ports are also pro­duc­ed in areas that are diffi­cult to ac­cess, giving the lo­cal po­pu­la­tion a chance to be heard. The aim is also to attract media re­pre­sen­tat­ives who will co­oper­ate with the radio stat­ion and sup­port the pro­duc­tion of re­ports.


In addition, teachers work with chil­dren to de­velop plays, sketches and songs. After in­ten­sive re­hear­sals, they are per­for­med on a larger scale (e.g. Dur­bar festi­vals) at meet­ing places to raise aware­ness among the the po­pu­lat­ion to res­pect chil­dren’s rights.

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