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Since 1991, Jugend­hilfe Ost­afrika (Youth Care East Africa) has been wor­king to mobi­lise Ugan­da with sturdy, bush-ready bicyc­les. After all, what bene­fit is a school if it is lo-cated a two-hour walk from the vi­llage? The way to school is un­safe and arduous. Time nee­ded for lear­ning is wasted and fre­quent ab­sen­ces under­mine school suc­cess.

Therefore in 2022, we are spon­soring 100 bicycles for pu­pils of the Bright Fu­ture Secon­dary School in Kitimbwa (Kay­unga District). The selec­­tion pro­cess is carr­ied out by the local pro­ject part­ner  Bicycle Spon­sor­ship Pro­ject and Work­shop. BSWP knows the con­ditions of the sur­roun­ding area and the in­habi­tants very well. BSWP pro­cu­res the bikes, assem­bles them in its work­shop and stocks spare parts. Each bike comes with a brie­fing on pro­per hand­ling, main­te­nance and repair.

A bicycle is a valuable possession and will also be of great use to the owner in many ways. Uganda is one of the world's poorest countries and for a large part of the popu­lat­ion, a bike is sim­ply unaf­fordable. Every bicycle brings relief and enables develop­ment - in school and beyond!

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