In Cambodia, blind people can only do low-wage labor. They have no opportunity for vocational training. Employers cannot imagine how a blind person is able to work at all. Blind people therefore have few opportunities to demonstrate their skills.
"Discover your possibilities" (DYP) strives to improve the lives of young visually impaired people by teaching them practical life skills. In 2022, a vacant hotel in the city of Siem Reap was rented and transformed into a learning center. Due to its vicinity to the temples of Angkor Wat, the Learning Center is in a location well-frequented by tourists.
In 2024, the installation of a bakery has been proposed. Along with a professional coffee and beverage shop, the bakery will serve as the first vocational training facility for the blind. A training regimen for the 12 DYP students will require 16 hours per week. In addition, 12 students from the Special Education High School will participate. 20 sighted students will support the blind students during the weekends. This collaboration will facilitate workplace interaction with sighted people.