OKOA SASA is an NGO that was founded in 2007 by Grace Odembo in Mombasa. In 2013, it opened a shelter for sexually abused children and under-age mothers.
According to UNICEF, 10 to 15,000 children in and around Mombasa are forced to engage in prostitution. Growing impoverishment is forcing parents to sell their children. Child prostitution is a direct reflection of the growing misery.
In 2018, the project that we are funding together with SOLWODI Germany e.V. will be freeing 15 girls from forced prostitution and rehabilitating them. To this end, the young girls will be taken to the shelter, where they will undergo three-month psychotherapy followed by competence training and group therapy. For this OKO SASA will be using the self-help group approach. In joint meetings and training, the girls will develop mutual relations and benefit from each other. As soon as they are stable enough (after 8 to 10 months), they will be assisted in their efforts to develop small business start-ups or placed in schools.