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The NGO "Our Child­ren and Our Fu­tu­re" has been pro­mot­ing edu­cat­ion in Ugan­da since 2003. In Bu­ko­man­simbi, a school with four class­rooms was opened in 2016 after les­sons had started under a tree a year earlier. Grades 1-7 are taught to 130 children, and another 100 students attend the pre­school. In 2020, the school was forced to close due to the COVID-19 epidemic. After re­open­ing in 2022, student enrollment has increased further due to the permanent closure of other schools.

Most of the 156,000 in­ha­bi­tants of the Bu­ko­man­sim­bi dis­trict live from the yield of small fields. 34% of school-age child­ren are sub­ject to child la­bor. In­come is often be­low the po­ver­ty line of $1.90 per day. The area is par­ticu­larly affected by HIV, re­sult­ing in many AIDS or­phans.

Education is the means to fight po­verty, pre­vent early preg­nanc­ies and im­prove life and job op­por­tuni­ties. There­fore, with our sup­port, the Trin­ity Aca­demy will be ex­pan­ded by the addit­ion of a three-story buil­ding which in­clud­es a dor­mi­tory and six class­rooms. The school will then have the ca­pa­ci­ty to en­roll 450 pu­pils.

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