Since 2004 we have been working successfully with Tamat Friends of the Tuareg e.V. In the Tchirozerine region, north of the city of Agadez, Tamat runs the “Clinique mobile” together with the Catholic Mission and the Nigerian partner NGO Salver Africa. On ten days a month, a converted ambulance visits four remote health centres which provide the only medical care for 80,000 inhabitants from 152 villages over an area of 12,000 square kilometres.
During the operations, the four health centres are the contact points for the mobile clinic. The threes-strong medical team, consisting of paramedics, midwife and/or doctor, treats an average of 150 people a day - mainly children and young people. In order to improve the treatment possibilities on site, the health centers are now electrified with solar power with our support. In addition, batteries and 24V refrigerators will be purchased to store medicines safely.
In this way, it will be possible for about 80% of the children to be vaccinated. One in seven children still dies before reaching the age of five.