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The Oliver Herbrich Children’s Fund is a young foundation (estab­lished in 2010 and based on real estate) committed to the common good.


Since then, the Children's Fund has mainly been active in Africa (Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mada­gascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda).


Additional projects have been realized in Bolivia, Cambodia, Germany, Guatemala, Moldavia, Nepal and Thailand.



Foundation, Stiftung, Oliver, Herbrich, Kinderfonds, Children's Fund, Foundation
Stiftung, Oliver, Herbrich, Kinderfonds, Children's Fund, Foundation

Our funding is targeted at the following areas:


  • Basic existential needs (orphan­age, children’s village, micro­credits).

  • Healthcare (prenatal care, mid­wifery, supplies of visual aids, cataract surgeries, clean drinking water, 3D printed protheses).

  • Education (kindergarten and school buildings, scholarships, vocational and academic edu­cation projects, computer lab, bikes for pupils, apprentice workshop for blind children).

  • Measures to preserve cultural identity and to gain equal oppor­tunities (rehabilitation of child prostitutes, awareness campaign against human trafficking, radio station, center for street children).



The founding board consists of the filmmakers Oliver Herbrich and Peter Heller, who con­tinues to work in this field and re­gu­larly re­ports on development co­op­era­tion issues.


They have travelled to many coun­tries in the so-called ‘Third World’ and know the living con­di­tions there. As pro­ducers and entre­pre­neurs, they are com­mit­ted to pro­ject ma­na­ge­ment and re­sults.


In 2024, Monika Bobzien, a qua­li­fied psychologist and expert in project and organisational de­ve­lop­ment, joined the Board. They all work on a voluntary basis and are happy to contribute their expertise and experience.


Stiftung Oliver Herbrich Kinderfonds
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