The "German Commitee for the Prevention of Blindness" (DKVB) was founded in 1980. The association has been active in Tanzania from the very beginning. However, even today there is only one ophthalmologist for 1.5 million people living in the Sumbawanga region - an area as big as Bavaria.
To address this problem, DKVB and locals set up an eye camp at Atiman Hospital 2017. Twice a year, patients are examined and operated on here over a two weeks period. Up to one thousand people come from very far away. The numerous and serious illnesses are disconcerting. Local and German staff work hand in hand to help people.
In Tanzania, cataract is the cause of blindness in 65% of cases. The eyesight of these blind people can be restored by an operation in which the lens behind the pupil is replaced. However, there are often insufficient financial resources for these operations.
The Children's Fund Foundation will finance 50 cataract operations for children at the Eye Camp in 2020, which are more expensive as they are performed under general anaesthesia. This will be preceded four weeks in advance by an announcement on local radio stations and public notices.