780 million around the world have no access to clean drinking water. As a result, 2,000 children alone die day for day. In order to alleviate this situation, students at the Technical University of Munich (as part of "Enact Munich") have launched a self-help project, namely a highly effective water filter which is produced by specially trained locals and sold at a fair price.
The filter is made from clay, rice husks, water and a mud oven. After the burning process, the filter is attached to a bucket. This filter is able to remove 99.9% of the bacterial contamination.
The purchase of the water filters is promoted via a bonus and discount system. Filtered drinking water is sold at half price of bottled water. When a family buys the filter later on, 50% of these revenues are taken into account for the filter purchase. This ensures consistent water quality right from the beginning.
Following a pilot project in Kibwigwa (West Tanzania), the project is being implemented on a long-term basis in 2016/17 with the support of the Oliver Herbrich Children's Fund in collaboration with the NGO MIBOS in Tanzania.