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The Oliver Herbrich Children's Fund Foundation

The foundation’s goal is to part­ner and de­ve­lop pro­jects that bene­fit chil­dren and young adults. To pro­mote these ob­jec­tives, we col­labo­rate with ex­perienc­ed local part­ners to lever­age ex­isting struc­tures and ex­per­tise. Proj­ects are ex­clusive­ly co­fun­ded to en­sure our part­ner’s com­mit­ment.


The projects financed should be new and (as far as pos­sible) not yet started. The em­bedd­ing of pro­jects with­in estab­lish­ed struc­tures is also desir­able.


At the beginning and end of each pro­ject, we focus on eva­lua­ting the pro­ject’s goals and sustain­ability.

Current projects
Jungle clinic Liberia Children's fund

In Liberia (West Africa), every 13th child dies before the age of five. The state spends $56 per inhabitant on healthcare each year.

Jungle clinics are often the only place to go in case of injury or illness.

Youth learning center Nepal

Every year, 500,000 young Nepalese emigrate to work abroad. Many do not return. This leads to problems in the home villages where too few work in agriculture and women are left to fend for themselves and their families.



Blindness Camboddia Children's fund

Blind children in Cambodia often face difficulties receiving a proper education due to problems getting to school, a lack of aids and harassment.
For this reason, blind people in Cambodia are often treated as stupid.

Anker Aktuell
Stiftung, Oliver, Herbrich, Kinderfonds, Children's Fund, Foundation
Mission statement

Children are the bearer of hope for every society. They represent the ideal of a better future particularly in places in which it is nearly impossible to improve living conditions.


Although no-one chooses the place where he or she is born, everyone should be given the chance of a hopeful future.


Children and young people in particular deserve this chance.


(Preamble of our charter)





Year Established
Projects Completed
Ongoing Projects


If you are planning a project and interested in a cooperation, please find out more about our funding guidelines right here.



Stiftung, Oliver, Herbrich, Kinderfonds, Children's Fund, Foundation

You can donate to our general fund or offer support to a specific current or upcoming project.

We are also happy to receive any proposals for new and suitable projects which you would like to support with your donation. Please contact us in advance.


Your donation is tax-deductible. Please include your address so that we can send you a receipt.

Our bank account details are as follows:


IBAN DE08 5003 1000 1048 2190 00

BIC   TRODDEF1 (Triodos Bank)

By credit card or

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The Oliver Herbrich Children's Fund is a legally acknowledged foundation under the supervision of the Bavarian government.


It has been recognised as a non-profit organisation in a notice of exemption issued by the tax authorities on July 9th 2024. All financial statements are prepared by a public accountant.


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