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Help Liberia - Kpon Ma has been run­ning two jungle cli­nics in the hin­ter­land of Mon­ro­via (Li­ber­ia) since 2009. Pa­tients come from far and wide to re­cei­ve treat­ment. Due to a lack of the most ba­sic re­sour­ces, wo­men die dur­ing child­birth. Every 13th child does not survive past the age of five. Malaria is omnipresent in the vast rainforests. Only 3.3% of Liber­ians are ol­der than 65.

The first partner
­ship with Help Liber­ia came in 2017, when the foun­da­tion sup­por­ted the three-year trai­ning of an em­ployee to be­come a state-cer­tifi­ed mid­wife. She is now wor­king in a ma­na­ger­ial role for the Yar­ba­yah Clinic.

In 2024, we are finan­cing the con­vers­ion of the re­gis­tra­tion room at Ma­wah Clin­ic in­to a se­cond me­di­­cal ex­ami­na­tion room. In re­turn, the triage buil­ding needs to be con­ver­ted in­to a re­gis­tra­tion ce­ntre. The aim is to pro­vide bet­ter treat­ment op­tions for the many sick chil­dren who come ac­com­pan­ied by their mothers. New furni­ture will be in­stal­led in the room next door for the go­vern­ment's month­ly child im­mu­nis­ation ses­sions. The build­ing work is ac­tively sup­por­ted by the com­munity.

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