Help Liberia - Kpon Ma has been running two jungle clinics in the hinterland of Monrovia (Liberia) since 2009. Patients come from far and wide to receive treatment. Due to a lack of the most basic resources, women die during childbirth. Every 13th child does not survive past the age of five. Malaria is omnipresent in the vast rainforests. Only 3.3% of Liberians are older than 65.
The first partnership with Help Liberia came in 2017, when the foundation supported the three-year training of an employee to become a state-certified midwife. She is now working in a managerial role for the Yarbayah Clinic.
In 2024, we are financing the conversion of the registration room at Mawah Clinic into a second medical examination room. In return, the triage building needs to be converted into a registration centre. The aim is to provide better treatment options for the many sick children who come accompanied by their mothers. New furniture will be installed in the room next door for the government's monthly child immunisation sessions. The building work is actively supported by the community.